Friday, November 23, 2012

Big bag marathon

My journey of making big bags volume 2 is now finished.

The great thing about these big bags is that you will never see the same combination of fabrics (because that way, I won't get bored).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My new favourite

New arrival today.

The purses I made before were just for me to have fun and I was just hoping that someone would buy them.

But this new big shopping bag was officially ordered.

I really like the combination of these colours. The fabrics are from Dragonfly fabric. It's a Canadian online fabric store so shipping wasn't expensive and the owner seems very nice. The fabrics I ordered came with a nice handwritten card.

I have 2 more big bags, one apron and a set of organizers to go! I'm in business :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chichi label

Another new arrival this month!

It's very special because it's got my "Chi Chi" label for the first time!!

I put the label on the wrong side (oops!) but I'm not going to sell it or give it away. It's a "special edition" just for me ;)

Organizer (M size)

Chi Chi label!!!

Fabrics are already cut and waiting to be sewn into S size and L size organizers! Coming soon!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

New arrival of the month

A purse with a magnetic snap. (There is a divider inside!)


and back

There are more coming. Stay tuned ;)