Friday, July 31, 2015

Activities in Japan!

It's really hot and humid here, in Japan.

So far, I took a bus tour with my mom, changed my hair style, saw my old friends (from both jr. high and sr. high), successfully finished the first year of Master's program, and most importantly, I went to Tokyo to take workshops.

One of the workshops I took was the Benesh Movement Notation (BMN) workshop run by Royal Academy of Dance Japan.

I have already learned the basic stuff about BMN through the distance learning course from RAD, so this time I took the course that was slightly advanced.

It was very challenging and also very interesting.

I have been wanting to learn BMN further but there is only distance learning courses available; I just really wish that they had more learning options...

This is just a hint of what BMN score looks like
 (The photo is not focused on purpose; I wasn't sure about the copy rights.)

And the other workshop I took was a soap making class!!

It was going to be a group lesson but apparently people moved to a different day, so it turned to my private lesson!

I was very lucky because the teacher was one of the pioneers of the Japanese handmade soap society!

I learned a lot about oils, essential oils and colours.
I can barely wait to make more soap when I'm back in Canada!

I learned how to swirl

This trip to Tokyo was really good for me because I was also able to see one of my best friends. She lives in Tokyo so we cannot see each other very often.

Even though we only see each other once in a few years, we never feel distant because of ballet.

I have one month left in Japan. I still have lots to do!