Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Valentine soap

I made Valentine soap about a month ago, and it's fully cured!

with pineapple fragrance oil

I was worried that the red colour would become more orange-y, but it turned out ok!

Another soap I made yesterday.

Lavender essential oil, pink+purple drop swirl


I finally received the result of my final assessment of the 1st semester, and I passed!

I passed with a good grade!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Soap Challenge

This month, I'm participating in the soap challenge hosted by Amy Warden.

The challenge of the month is to make a lotus using the technique called Circling Taiwan Swirl.

My first attempt didn't go too well.

first attempt
As you can see, the blue colour faded because of heat loss...

I think the second attempt went better.

second attempt

I had fun!