Sunday, December 16, 2012

Shopping day

It was a big shopping day today!

I went to the mall to buy my favourite face toner at L'OCCITANE.

This is the best!

And then, I stopped at Lululemon to check out what they have on sale.

I found Commute Chino Pants for $39!!! (used to be $128) They were for men but they fit me well and I really liked the cute-geeky look so they are mine now!!

Finally, I went to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and got Dog biscuits. As you could imagine, it's a bag of bone-shaped biscuits with white chocolate for dogs!

When I purchased this, the cashier woman said "Your dog is a very lucky dog!" I think so too!

I couldn't find a photo of it so I'm going to put a photo of my dog instead.

The lucky dog

Friday, December 14, 2012


I had a very nice day off today.

The weather was nicer (I can't say "nice" because it was still cold), I got the tickets for the flights to Japan, I picked up the book I ordered at the library and also borrowed some ballet DVDs to show to my students, and finished the tote bag that I was talking about earlier.

Just for fun :)

Can you read it? It says "This isn't CHANEL" because without it, people might think this bag is CHANEL.

Don't forget to reverse it at customs just in case they think it's a real CHANEL and charge you very expensive tax.


One more week to go 'til Japan!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A bag for men

Another big bag order, but this time it's for a man!

I made the non-pocket side the main side so it's not flashy for cool guys.


But anytime he feels like showing off, he can reverse it.


I'm making another type of totebag. It's going to be cute :)

Coming soon!!

Friday, December 7, 2012


Finally a post about ballet... Well, sort of.

A tutu bag!!!

I thought gathering tulle would be more difficult so I put off making this bag for a long time after I bought the pattern and materials.

But I realized that it's already December! I better hurry if I want to make this as a Christmas gift for someone!! So I did it :)

My new tool, "ball point needle" worked very well to make the tutu part.