Sunday, October 25, 2015


It was a good day today (even though the temperature was minus)!

I went to pick up my package from the soap supply place. There were essential oils, cocoa butter, Shea butter, and this (see photo below) in the box.

Soap colorant sample
Even though I ordered them and paid for them, it felt like Christmas:)

And then, I went to the fabric store and bought some fabrics because they were having 50% off sale!

I liked these fabrics because they reminded me of Japanese Kimono.

I also got my printer ink cartridge refilled at Costco for 14 dollars. Now I can print out the articles which I have to read for my master's program.

I should read them on my computer to save papers. But unfortunately, I can't focus when I read things on a computer screen :(

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Rose geranium

My VIP (Very Important work Partner, aka pianist), Carol gave me a bunch of herbs for my soap making, rose geranium, thyme, and lemon verbena.

She grows them in her backyard. And I already ordered chamomile for her to grow next gardening season;)

I dried rose geranium, infused it into olive oil, and made soap with it.

The colour wasn't too pretty, so I put just a little bit of kelp powder. I also knew that the sent would disappear, so I put rosemary and palmarosa essential oil. Too bad I didn't have rose geranium essential oil...



It must look like I'm making soap all the time, but I'm doing ballet (dancing and teaching) and my masters degree too!

I just started working on my students' solo pieces for the competitions. It's going to get really busy!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chocolate lip balm

Ever since I came to Canada, I need lip balm a lot more than I did when I was in Japan.

I have two chap sticks but both are very close to going empty so...

I made some!

I had all the ingredients already available from my soap making except the chocolate I wanted to put in my handmade lip balm. I hardly waited for the store to open at 12pm (it was Sunday), and got some chocolate.

Belgian chocolate and sweet almond oil were recommended in the recipe that I followed, but I replaced them with organic milk chocolate and camellia seed oil. I think milk chocolate is just fine, and camellia seed oil is great according to this article.

This is all I needed

And done!!

During the process, it smelled great, just like hot chocolate. It was very hard to stop myself from licking the spoon that I was using for mixing and stirring the lip balm.
製作中はチョコのいい匂いが漂うので、うっかりとリップクリームをかき混ぜているスプーンをなめてしまいそうに なりました。

I already tried some on. It works really well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Aloe + Calendula soap

Olive Pomace oil, Coconut oil, Jojoba oil (Calendula infused), Castor oil, Aloe gel juice, Calendula tea, lye, Carrot soap (as confetti), Titanium dioxide, Essential oil (Teatree, Peppermint, Marjoram), Gold mica

It will be a great facial soap after curing for a month!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Long weekend soap making

日本は体育の日で月曜は祝日のようですが、奇遇なことに、カナダもThanks Giving Dayで月曜はお休みです。
Looks like people are enjoying the long weekend in Japan, but I am having the Thanksgiving long weekend in Canada too!

In Canada, because most stores close on the Mondays of long weekends, you have to be well planned in terms of food, otherwise, you may have nothing to eat!

I will (correction* am planning to) study, and read the articles for my master's program this weekend. 

But first, I have to do things I like doing. (I like studying but that's only because I know it's good for me...)

New soap! Almond soap with almond oil, almond flour, and almond butter. I should have used almond milk too instead of just water.

I made it last night, and I un-molded and cut it tonight.

Dancing is going well too.

I can finally feel that my flexibility is back but not stamina and strength yet. It will take time to get back in shape as much as when I was working on my Cecchetti Diploma, or maybe... it's never going to happen because of my age...?

Friday, October 2, 2015



CINEPLEXという映画館が行っている、Front Row Centre EventsのDance Series で、シーズンを通してロイヤルバレエやボリショイバレエのライヴショーを映画館のスクリーンで見ることができます。




そして、10月1日はWorld Ballet Day。一日中Youtubeで世界中のバレエカンパニーのクラス、リハーサル、舞台裏などが放送されていました。終わった後もYoutube上で映像を見られます。↓のリンクをクリックしてください。

World Ballet Day 最初の11時間

3年ぶりにクラスにも復活し、また1から身体の鍛え直しです。え!私、こんなに難しいことやってたの?! と思うこともあったり、クラスを受けるたびに筋肉痛になったりしていますが、楽しく頑張っています!