Thursday, December 26, 2013

Shopping Tour

I'm going to escape from Winnipeg to Grand Forks for fabric shopping!

I also have a very important mission to complete at the US border.
The missions is...

I go in to this mysterious building holding a lot of packages, casually talk to the lady who works there, find the package for me from Kate Spade and pay US$ 5 :) Nobody can know about this.

Grand Forks is a small town in North Dakota, but it seems to have more than I thought.

It's probably like visiting Kobe (...although Grand Forks is much less fancy) in Japan from my town Nara, but it's gonna be FUN!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Holiday Gift

Who wants this bag?

with home decor fabric
Well, it's sold out!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Retro Version

Another big bag, with retro fabric.

I found a class for sewing clothing, which is the reason I bought the sewing machine!
And also the class is in my driving area!!

And the class is running when I'm actually available!!!

Since I work in the evenings and weekends, and I don't drive very well (especially during the winter when roads are slippery), it is very difficult to find something I can participate in.

So... this is almost a miracle!! But I still can't decide... do I want to commit to the morning activity?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

New Style

The newest big bag is slightly different from the usual type.

I think it looks good.

When I have a main fabric that is difficult to coordinate with another fabric, I'm going to use this strategy :)

Friday, December 6, 2013



学校の名前はRed River College 付属のLanguage Training Centre で、私が受けていたコースはAEPUCE :エーピュース(Academic English Program for University and College Entrance)といって、主にカナダで大学に行きたい人たちが大学の授業で不自由しないレベルの英語力を身に着けるコースで、どの大学もこのコースを卒業することを入学の必須条件としています。

このコースに入学するために必要な英語力は、Canadian Language Benchmarksのレベル7で、IELTSでいうところのスコア6です。

卒業するのに必要な英語力は、Benchmark 8、IELTS 6.5で、3か月間AEPUCEコースで勉強した私の成績は、、、(BenchmarkがあまりポピュラーではないのでIELTSに変換します。)

Listening: 8
Speaking: 6.5
Writing:  7
Reading: 6.5


大学入学の必要条件はしっかりクリアできたので、これからMaster's Degreeを目指して、英語力にも更に磨きをかけます。 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Winter break

Winter break in 3 weeks (and 2 days)!!

Since I'm not going back to Japan this Winter, and I won't be working for 2 weeks, I should find something to keep myself busy.

As much as sleeping in, napping, watching DVDs, falling asleep on the couch, Oreo, etc. sound nice, I know those are not very good for me.

I will probably be sewing, and also I'm thinking about going to Yoga; although I can't promise anything if this will happen for sure this time.

I was looking for a Yoga studio that suit me and I think Yoga Centre is the way to go.

It's in my driving area, the class I would want to take is not too early in the morning or too late so I get lazy and don't want to go out anymore.

We'll see...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


It is amazing how fast time flies by... especially when you are busy.

I just finished the very busy English course 2 weeks ago but I feel like it was a long time ago because now I'm busy with getting my application form ready for the Master's course I am trying to get in to, and I feel like I'm working on this forever.

The Ballet teaching job is less busy right now since I almost finished choreographing competition pieces.

It's my day off today so I sewed :)