Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Busy busy busy...

Wow! It's already October!!

The reason I haven't updated my blog for a loooong time is because I'm busy!

On the last day in Japan, I mean it was going to be the last day, due to the weather conditions, I couldn't catch the plane from the Narita airport to the states.

So I had another day in Tokyo, which was very unexpected and unfortunate, and I finally flew back to Winnipeg on September 5th in the evening.

I have been really busy because I am going to school!

As I mentioned in an old blog post, after applying for the academic English course at Red river college, I was accepted.

The school started on September 3rd, which means that I missed the first 3 days (my summer vacation was a bit too long) but I think I have caught up:)

The school runs everyday from 9am to 3pm but the course is free for immigrants! What a great deal!

Although so many assignments... :(

I feel like I'm always writing an essay, report, or research paper of some kind.

Unfortunately, sewing is not happening right now but the orders for Christmas are already in! Hopefully I will have some time to sew at the end of November or the beginning of December.

Teaching ballet is going great! I am working for two studios this season.  Both studios have already started to talk about competitions. Searching for costumes, deciding music, choreographing...

Soooooo busy!!!